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Oxford City Council

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Who Can Use the Service


You have to be registered with Oxford City Council to use this service and you will need to complete an application form which is available from Oxford City Council Customer Service Centres and from offices of its partner Private Registered Providers.

The application form enables you to apply for properties advertised by Oxford City Council and its partner Private Registered Providers.
It also includes low cost home ownership schemes.

You will be asked to provide:

  • proof of identity for yourself and any other members of your household; and
  • any other proof necessary to verify your current circumstances.

There is a great demand for social housing in Oxford and we are not able to help everyone who applies to us.
You may therefore want to consider other housing options such as private rented accommodation.

Who cannot use the service?

Only housing applicants who are eligible for housing and who qualify for an allocation of housing in Oxford will be included on the housing register and considered for offers of accommodation. 

  • Persons from abroad are not eligible for inclusion on the housing register if by virtue of their immigration status they are ineligible for an allocation of housing;
  • Persons aged under 18 will not normally be offered social housing unless there are exceptional circumstances;
  • Housing applicants without a local connection to Oxford through residence, work or close family will normally be excluded from the Housing Register;
  • Housing applicants with rent arrears or guilty of unacceptable behaviour may now be excluded from the Housing Register;
  • Housing applicants with savings or investments of £16,000 or more will now normally be excluded from the Housing Register;
  • Housing applicants found to no longer qualify for inclusion on the housing register will be advised and informed in writing.
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