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Oxford City Council

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Frequently Asked Questions


Do I need to renew my Housing Application?

Yes, once a year we will send you a form which you must complete and return if you want to stay on the housing register

What if I have Rent Arrears?

If you have rent arrears you may not be able to register your application until you have repaid the sum or kept to an agreement to repay for a specified period.
In some circumstances you might not be eligible to join the register. Contact the Housing Needs Team for full details or see the allocation scheme on our website
Click here  to visit the Oxford City Council web-site Housing page.

How long will I stay in the same band?

You will stay in the same band unless your circumstances change in a way that means you have a different level of priority

What if my circumstances change?

You must let us know and we will reassess your application. We will tell you if your priority or eligibility has changed.

What if I have a health problem or a disability?

Oxford City Council will explain the procedure for assessing a health problem or disability, which affects your housing need. They will let you know if you are eligible to apply for disabled adapted properties which are indicated by the following symbols.

disabled adapted properties


Surely it must be better to bid as early as possible?

It makes no difference when you bid in the cycle. We look at all the bids once the cycle has closed.
If you place a bid on the first day of the cycle it gets no more priority than if you place it on the last day of the same cycle.

I placed a bid on the first day of the cycle and I was first. A week later my position had changed. Why?

If you place a bid early in the cycle you may be the only person who has so far bid for that property – so you’ll be number one.
Later, people with higher priority than you, or who have been waiting longer than you, may have made a bid; so you’ll move down the queue.
It’s a good idea to check your position later in the cycle, as you’ll get a more realistic picture of how likely you are to be successful in your bid.

I’ve lost my application number – what shall I do?

Contact your Oxford City council, who will reissue it to you. This may take a few days for it to reach you through the post so it’s a good idea to keep a record of your application number in a safe place, where others can’t see it.


I have noticed an empty property; can I be considered for it?

  • Not all properties that become available are social rented properties.
  • The property may be empty because it is being repaired, in which case we will advertise it as soon as possible.



Please Note

These pages give only a simple general summary. Housing law and policy is very complicated and some cases may not follow this pattern.
Please telephone
the Oxford City Council Housing Needs Team for help if you are uncertain.

Link to contact us

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