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Oxford City Council

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Low Cost Home Ownership

Home Ownership Schemes

Help to Buy is an HM Government backed initiative to help people buy a home.

There is a range of options available through Help to Buy. These include:

Whether you are a first time buyer or moving home, there could be an option that’s right for you.

Help to Buy agents help deliver the government’s home ownership schemes – from providing general information through to the application process.
(Please note: Help to Buy agents do not administer the mortgage guarantee product.)

The local Help to Buy Agent has changed from 1st April 2014. 

Below are the contact details for the Help to Buy Agents taking over the zone previously covered by Catalyst.

For Buckinghamshire, Milton Keynes and Surrey (along with other parts of the East and South East region) = Bedfordshire Pilgrims Housing Associations (BPHA)

Contact details for BPHA:

Email: (public enquiries)
Email: (solicitors, IFA's, house builders)
Fax: 01234 221229
Tel: 03333 214044

For Berkshire and Oxfordshire (along with other parts of the South region) = Radian

Contact details for Radian:

Telephone: 0845 604 11 22


Information on Help to Buy Agents for other areas is available here.

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